australian shepherds
K99 examination system
has 4 different sections
bite work
in each sections there are 9 levels to acchieve
On 2nd of August 2021. Nord passed the 5th level of K99 ability exam with very good rating (90/100)
The level 5 ability exam consisted of six tasks:
1) apport task (transporting 2 balls to a basket separately at a distance of 5 meters)
2) sending over different obstacles (ring and A-plank)
3) making him lie down, stand up, sit, stand up, lie down and sit up for only hand signs from a distance of 15 meters
4) sending him out to a buoy (5 meters), sending to right or left to another (5 meters), and sending ahead again to a third one (5 meters). He has to lie down next to each buoy.
5) making him sit during calling and coming (from 30 meters) when the judge indicates
6) chosing and indicating properly my shoe from 3 shoes (odor identification)
On 12th of December 2020. Nord passed the 2nd level of K99 ability exam with excellent rating (98/100)
The level 2 ability exam consisted of four tasks:
1) various obstacles
2) making him lie down and sit up for a hand sign from a distance (5 meters)
3) sending him out to a buoy where he has to lie down (8 meters)
4) making him lie down from a distance (5 meters) during calling and coming (from 20 meters)

On 8th of June 2020. Nord passed the 1st level of K99 ability exam with excellent rating (97/100)
The level 1 ability exam consisted of four tasks:
1) various obstacles
2) making him lie down for a hand sign from a distance (2 meters)
3) sending him out to a buoy where he has to lie down (5 meters)
4) making him STOP from a distance (5 meters) during calling and coming (from 20 meters)