australian shepherds
Shadegardens aussies is a small kennel located in the heart of Budapest, near the downtown but still close to the nature. My dogs are not especially show dogs, as they have specific jobs that takes precedence over their show carreer. Therefor I never started breeding aussies. So my family consisted exclusively of male dogs ever and a lovely house cat, until Runa arrived.
My love of the breed began with my first boy, Vito, and I'm sure it'll last until my last breath. He was an exceptional dog in every aspect. A huge masculine male with substance, heavy bones and massive head from the so called "Sierra Pastor" type (after Tom Stodghill), with nice markings and pigmentation, and an exceptional partner in any sports and works, while being the best pal in everyday life I only could desire. Our fable began with the selection, because it was completely fateful long before he arrived on Earth. Between hello and goodbye we were inseparable, one soul devided into two body. He was my guardian angel, my constant partner in crime, he seemed to be sent to Earth to follow my steps everywhere, to comfort me and brighten my days.

After the loss of Vito, I felt I couldn't let a dog get so close to me again, as the pain I felt about his death could not be alleviated by all the beautiful memories we shared before. But I was wrong...and two years after Vito's passing, Nord arrived. Although he is very different from Vito even in bloodline as well as in appearance, inherited a wonderful character and joined my journey incredibly smoothly. He is rather the "chase and bite" dog (as Ray Coppinger referred to them) than a Sierra pastor. He is from the smaller size, with moderate coat and bone, and more balanced head/body ratio, a real rocket at work, while easy going, patient and gentle in everyday life, additionally he has that lovely dark merle base color, that is the trademark of the Harmony Hills / Stormridge family.

Runa arrived as one of our biggest dream with her black and white coat and her lovely pedigree fusing serious working and famous show lines from a legendary Canadian kennel. I didnt plan to share my home with a female, so her remaining is an error in the Matrix. I have to confess I never regreted it, never a dull moment in her company. She is exactly as the Australian Shepherds of the olden days are described, extremely loyal and affectionate with her family but bossy and amazingly talented with livestock.

My goal is to raise dogs that perform exceptionally well in all walks of life. I strive to educate them to be partners in everyday life, to do their job enthusiastically, while to be gentle and patient with other living creatures. Therefor they, by their apperarance, their character and temperament, and their performance at work, can contribute to the improvement of the breed.

Australian shepherd is not an easy breed, not a dog for everyone or anyone, but once you "tame" one, I don't exaggerate when I say he becomes the best dog you've ever dealt with.
In Tracy Libby's words:
"He will want to play when you want to relax. He will try to herd the kids, horses, and even the vacuum cleaner. It's highly likely he will refuse to come when he's called and embarrass you in front of your friends, neighbors, and in-lows..... But he will make you laugh harder than you ever thought possible."